About Us
Common Place Quarterly
CPQ exists to encourage homeschool families in the practical application of the Charlotte Mason Method by creating a place outside of the internet where timeless ideas regarding Mason’s principles can be shared. We offer a quiet growing place for parents in a digitally saturated world.
Each quarterly’s Christ-centered and parent-focused content is gathered to encourage readers as they strive to get from here to there, that “[they] may know what [they] are about and may come thoroughly furnished to [their] work.” (V. 1, p. 3)
As we study Charlotte Mason’s methodology for content inspiration, we aim to look beyond the person she was and the time in which she lived, intentionally striving to bring her philosophy forward into the 21st century.
- A practical focus on the Charlotte Mason method.
- Insights and support on subjects like Plutarch, Shakespeare, or Mythology
- Compendium essays written and submitted by readers.
- Encouragement from CM educators who have graduated their children through high school.
- Articles to educate, encourage, inspire, and delight our readership.
- Modern Educational Thought - comparing and contrasting ideas of today with Charlotte Mason's philosophy
- Literary Canons - learning how canons were formed, how Mason chose books, and giving us a better understanding of booklists and the confidence to change them as we see fit.
- A Great Inheritance - from individual to family to community to beyond, let us consider how we can enter the world as a great inheritance.
- Poetry - writing it, reading it, the purpose of it, why we need it, and more.
- Handicrafts - this column is back this year with a philosophical spin, as we consider handicrafts as worship, therapy, lifeskills, and gifts.
- Nature Chronicles - come along on some nature rambles!

The Quarterly Gazette
Each subscription to Common Place Quarterly comes with The Quarterly Gazette for the kiddos!
A Large Room
These guest posts represent feet on the ground. It does not need to be, nor should it be, perfectly written or "perfect" Charlotte Mason (though it does need to be assuming a heart towards Mason's methods). You don't need to sound like you know everything. Your philosophy does not need to be thoroughly flushed out. You don't have to have all your dishes done, have been previously published, own seven chickens, or know how to make sourdough bread. But you CAN have all those things and write about them, too. Submissions are not, and will never be, about obtaining any standard of perfection. They are about the reality of living life, building families, growing character, and doing the hard thing of educating our children at home.
Enjoy the collection of posts in CPQ's Large Room, and consider sharing with us, too!